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IGNOU Task Can Be Submitted On the web IGNOU: The last date for accommodation of assignments is April 30 for those up-and-comers who will show up for the June expression end test.

IGNOU Task Can Be Submitted On the web 

IGNOU: The last date for accommodation of assignments is April 30 for those up-and-comers who will show up for the June expression end test.
New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open College (IGNOU) has requested that understudies present their assignments on the web. This choice has been taken by IGNOU taking into account the lockdown that has been forced to contain the spread of COVID-19.

"Taking into account the total lockdown to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has chosen to encourage task accommodation by students through email. Students can submit examined duplicates of written by hand assignments through email to the particular RC email," said Rajesh Sharma, CPRO, IGNOU.

"The Local Places will acknowledge filtered duplicates of written by hand assignments through committed email id and take care for the additional procedure of assessment," he likewise said.
Local Executive of the Noida Provincial Center, IGNOU, has shared a message via web-based networking media, in association with this.

The last date for accommodation of IGNOU June assignments is April 30 for those applicants who will show up for the June expression end test.

For the accommodation of understudies we have built up an email address on which understudies can present their manually written assignments, said Provincial Executive, IGNOU Territorial Center, Noida.

"The date for accommodation of task at the Student Bolster Center (LSC) has been reached out to 30th April 2020. Notwithstanding, as a break course of action during the lockdown time frame due to COVID-19, students of Provincial Center, Noida who will show up in TEE June 2020 may present their examined written by hand assignments to RC Noida mail ID till lockdown is lifted," the Noida Local Focal point of IGNOU has said.

How To Submit IGNOU Assignments On the web? 

Compose the task, following the rules given in the task list, gave online on IGNOU site

Task ought not to be composed on PC.

Sweep the transcribed task utilizing cell phones

Present the task on the email address gave by IGNOU

Assignments do 30% weightage of the complete imprints.

"A student needs to compose task reactions necessarily before setting aside Term-End Assessments from effort to time to finish a scholastic program," said IGNOU.
Simply after the accommodation of assignments, up-and-comers will have the option to fill and present the structures for June term-end test. The last date for accommodation of test structures is April 30.

"Keeping in see the spread of coronavirus, the pestilence and complete lockdown all through the nation, with the endorsement of the equipped position the last date of tolerating the June 2020 Term-end assessment structures with no late expense has been stretched out up to 30th April 2020," the IGNOU said in a warning on March 25.


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